Program Overview

The Department of Commerce is an integral part of any educational institution, offering students a deep understanding of business, finance, and economics. At its core, the department focuses on developing students' analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills through theoretical and practical knowledge. Our faculty members have extensive experience in the field, providing students with comprehensive knowledge of global business practices and emerging trends. With an emphasis on real-world application, students gain exposure to various industries and learn to apply their knowledge to solve real-world business problems. Our department also provides opportunities for internships, research, and community engagement to help students develop the practical skills and experience needed to succeed in their future careers. Whether students aim to become entrepreneurs or pursue careers in finance, accounting, or marketing, the Department of Commerce provides a solid foundation for their future success.



"Educate and train innovative and competent human resources with healthy practices and providing guidance, inspiring atmosphere and opportunities to the aspirants for quality education in Commerce."



  •  Empowering students by providing all kind of  knowledge of commerce.
  • To train  the students to meet the challenges of contemporary business environment.
  • To enable the students as practical oriented according to the present demand of the human resources.
  • To equip and encourage them to start their own venture.